Friday, 16 February 2007

ABAP Transalation of text elements created when implementing user-exits

When you create text elements during implementation of a SAP user exit then — for reasons beyond my understanding — these texts are not directly translatable. So when you try to user the goto translation menu SAP pops up the dialog that allows you to choose the "from" and "to" languages but when you press ok, then you get an error message of the form "Please use transaction SE63.

Following is the exact list of actions that should be followed (Thanks Marilena)

  1. Open the Function Module containing the user-exit using either SE80 or SE37.
  2. From the program main menu use Goto → Text Elements → Text Symbols
  3. Copy the program name that is displayed on the top of the screen just above the texts table
  4. Goto transaction SE63.
  5. From the program main menu click Translation → Short Texts → ABAP → Program Texts
  6. Paste into the field marked Program name the text you copied from step 3.
  7. Select source and target languages
  8. Press the big button labeled Edit

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