After running the examples from BAPI / RFC with Delphi, I run into the following problem: Each time the Button2Click function was called the grid would show the results already displayed plus any data returned from SAP after the current call. A little bit of debugging showed that the table returned from the SAPFunctions object in statement Table := Funct.tables.item('DATA'), was the one that would not get initialized prior to Aa I have no clues regarding the available methods of the table or the SAPFunctions object that would allow me to clear the table data before each call, I ended up rewriting the example performing the following changes.
- Create one connection object and retain it throughout the entire program session during FormCreate.
- Create and destroy a SAPFunctions object at each invocation of the ExecuteButtonClick() function. The way the table returned always has new data returned from SAP. This has been the only way I could avoid the problem of not initializing the returned table. Since I use similar code to perform data transfers between SAP and an other Oracle database at user defined intervals , this optin was more or less a one way.
unit MainUni; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, OleCtrls, SAPLogonCtrl_TLB, Grids, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons; type TFormMain = class(TForm) PanelLogin: TPanel; StatusBar: TStatusBar; ButtonExec: TButton; Grid: TStringGrid; SAPLogonControl: TSAPLogonControl; BitBtnClose: TBitBtn; procedure ButtonExecClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } Table, Funct, Connection : VARIANT ; public { Public declarations } end; var FormMain: TFormMain; implementation {$R *.dfm} Uses SAPFunctionsOCX_TLB; procedure TFormMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin (* create a new connection object to be used * for all sessions *) Connection := SAPLogonControl.newConnection; Connection.System := 'R3Q'; Connection.Client := '100'; Connection.ApplicationServer:= ''; Connection.SystemNumber := '00'; Connection.Language := 'EN' ; end; procedure TFormMain.ButtonExecClick(Sender: TObject); var txt : String; r : integer; SAPFunctions: TSAPFunctions; begin SAPFunctions := nil; // parameter "true" = SilentLogOn if Connection.LogOn(0, false) = true then try (* Create a new SAPFunctions obejct and * assign the existing connection to it *) SAPFunctions := TSAPFunctions.Create(Self); SAPFunctions.Connection := Connection; Funct := SAPFunctions.add('RFC_READ_TABLE'); Funct.exports('QUERY_TABLE').value := 'CSKT'; // attempt to call if not then // called failed display the error in the statusbar StatusBar.SimpleText := Funct.Exception else begin // Call is successfull display returned data Table := Funct.tables.item('DATA'); grid.rowCount := Table.rowcount + 1; grid.cells[0,0] := 'RecNo'; grid.cells[1,0] := 'Client'; grid.cells[2,0] := 'CostCent-No'; grid.cells[3,0] := 'CostCent-Des.'; for r := 1 to grid.rowCount -1 do begin txt := Table.value(r,1); grid.cells[0,r] := IntToStr(r); grid.cells[1,r] := copy(txt,0,3); grid.cells[2,r] := copy(txt,9,10); grid.cells[3,r] := copy(txt,27,20); end; end; finally // close connection Connection.LogOff; // get rid of the SAPFunctions Object SAPFunctions.Free; end else StatusBar.SimpleText := 'Unable to login'; end; end.
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