Wednesday, 16 December 2009

CakePHP and Oracle on CentOS. My own how to guide

During the last couple of days I formated and set up from scratch my CakePHP development server, using CentOS, php 5.3 from Remi and the Oracle 11gR2 clients. The log of my actions in PDF can be downloaded from here.

During the following days I will setup one more server -- supposed to be the one that we will use productively -- following these same instructions. If I find any mistakes I will correct them and post back the orginal file here.

Update history

  • Dec-28-2009: Added information about setting up and running the cake scripts from the command line.
  • Jan-21-2010: Verified contents on a new installation and added reminder for configuring the firewall.


stevz said...

The document not found

Athanassios Bakalidis said...

@Daniel I just tested the link and it works. Please try again and let me know if anything goes wrong.

stevz said...

@ Athanassios, Thanks I could download the document, now I mention I have a problem, I installed oracle 11g2 and cakephp2 but I can not connect the cake to oracle, I installed the library oci and I can connect from php but since the cake is difficult

the message is:

Cake is NOT Able to connect to the database.
Database connection "Oracle" is missing, or not could be created.

you have any idea what it is?

Athanassios Bakalidis said...

@Daniel. If you followed the procedure that I described and you made it as far as the "Connecting to the database" paragraph on page 12, then my only guess is that you are writing the word oracle with a capital O. :-)

Please keep in mind that When I tested that I was referring to CentOS 5.x with cake 1.2.5. I cannot give you any feedback on Oracle and CentOS 6.x with cake 1.3 or 2.x, since I have not yet tested this kind of configuration.

stevz said...

Gracias!! =)