Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Oracle IAS 10g 10.1.3.x Enabling and using SSO Authentication

Reading again from the manual, enabling Single-Sign-On for deployed applications on a new 10.1.3.x application server midtier is a three step process For this example my new instance uses the DNS name and the HTTP server listens at port 80, while my 10.1.2 infrastructure host is named eudoxia:
  1. Create the SSO configuration file on the host running infrastructure services in my case this is a 10.1.2 Oracle IAS infrastructure.
    oracle@eudoxia:~/sso_reg> $ORACLE_HOME/sso/bin/ 
               -oracle_home_path $ORACLE_HOME 
               -config_mod_osso TRUE 
               -config_file lachesis_osso.conf 
    Parameters passed to SSO registration tool :
    param0:-oracle_home_path param1:/home/oracle/OraHome_1 param2:-oracle_home_path param3:/home/oracle/OraHome_1 param4:-config_mod_osso param5:TRUE param6:-site_name param8:-remote_midtier param9:-config_file param10:lachesis_osso.conf param11:-mod_oso_url param12:
    Wed May 23 15:07:20 EEST 2007  Invalid argument -mod_oso_url
    Wed May 23 15:07:20 EEST 2007  Missing value for parameter:
    oracle@eudoxia:~/sso_reg> $ORACLE_HOME/sso/bin/ -oracle_home_path $ORACLE_HOME -config_mod_osso TRUE -site_name -remote_midtier -config_file lachesis_osso.conf -mod_osso_url
    Parameters passed to SSO registration tool :
    param0:-oracle_home_path param1:/home/oracle/OraHome_1 param2:-oracle_home_path param3:/home/oracle/OraHome_1 param4:-config_mod_osso param5:TRUE param6:-site_name param8:-remote_midtier param9:-config_file param10:lachesis_osso.conf param11:-mod_osso_url param12:
    Check /home/oracle/OraHome_1/sso/log/ssoreg.log for details of this registration
    SSO registration tool finished successfully.
  2. Now we have the file named lachesis_osso.conf that we need to copy to the actual host running the 10.1.3.x instance.
    oracle@eudoxia:~/sso_reg> scp lachesis_osso.conf oracle@lachesis:/home/oracle
    lachesis_osso.conf                                                         100%  417     0.4KB/s   00:00
  3. Back in the middle tier host, we only need to run file osso1013 located in the $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin directory, passing it the new file as an argument.
    racle@lachesis:~> $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/osso1013 lachesis_osso.conf
    /home/oracle/product/ successfully updated.
    /home/oracle/product/ successfully updated.

Now when we want to SSO protect any deployed application we usually edit the file mod_sso.conf located in $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf. Let's suppose now that an already installed application uses a web content root like /MyApp. In this case users would invoke it via a URL like http://my_host:my_post/myApp.
Protecting this application with SSO requires that you enter the following in the mod_osso.file.
<Location /MyApp>
    require valid-user
    AuthType Basic
As always bouncing the instance is the last step.


Michael A. Fons said...

Can you please tell me which document you got this out of? I am doing something pretty similar...I have a 10.1.3 iAS instance that I want to use SSO to maintain a SSO relationship with. But we are not as far along as you are yet. We do not have SSO implemented in the first place on the 10.1.2 portal/infra instances. so I need to implement SSO here and then also turn it on for the 10.1.3 instance. my email is

Athanassios Bakalidis said...

Hi the info I am posting comes straight out of the Oracle Application Server 10g Release Administrator's Guide.
Document number B28940-01, section 6.5, available from here.

I will send you an e-mail with my conduct details.
