Most web applications today have some kind of menu build with anchor tags. The problem that the following script -- courtesy of my friend Anestis from -- solves, is how to determine the actual link that was used to bring the user to the currently displayed page.
To use it, place it inside a script tag towards the end of your app/Views/Layout/default.ctp
file (just before the closing body tag, will do just fine) and a little bit of CSS code in your appropriate style file (again app/webroot/css/cake.generic.css
is a good candidate).
The CSS code is pretty easy : { background-color: yellow; // add anything you like }
and the javascript :
<script type="text/javascript"> // add the "active" class to the navigation link that brought us to this page jQuery( function() { // retrieve the relative url of the current page var curUrl = "<?php echo (Router::url( NULL, FALSE)); ?>"; // in a cake application a relative URL is usually like // /application/controller/action/param1/param2 ... // so what we really need is the first three pieses of the URL var tokens = curUrl.split("/").slice(0,4); curUrl = tokens.join("/"); // if there is any pagination information then the word "index" also appears in the URL // in this case we need to remove it, so it can match generated URL var indexIndex = curUrl.indexOf('index'); if ( indexIndex > -1) curUrl = curUrl.substring( 0, indexIndex - 1); // for each page anchor tag $('a').each( function() { // retrieve the arnchor's target var ref = $(this).attr("href"); // so if that anchor points to the current page if(ref === curUrl){ $(this).addClass("active"); } }); }); </script>