Thursday, 28 February 2013

NVidia on Centos 6

The post documents the steps I followed in order to install the NVidia drivers using kmod-nvidia and ELPrepo on a fresh CentOS installation.

We begin by importing the ELRepo Project's public key

sudo rpm --import

The people at ELRepo suggest that this should also be present, so unless you already have it ...

sudo yum install yum-fastestmirror

The next step is to install the ELRepo repo itself

sudo rpm -Uvh

... and finally the NVidia drivers, which is what we aimed for in the first place.

sudo yum install kmod-nvidia

An optional step would be to install the 32bit compatibility drivers and files

sudo yum install nvidia-x11-drv-32bit

What else is there... ahh yes, reboot!