Tuesday, 31 July 2007

ABAP: Responding to changes on screen fields

The general case for checking user input during PAI can be summarized as follows :


  FIELD fieldA MODULE check_fieldA ON REQUEST.
  FIELD fieldB MODULE check_fieldB ON REQUEST.

Any messages of type e or w executed during execution of the corresponding modules will cause SAPGui to stop processing, return focus to the appropriate field and execute the module again until no messages are thrown.

If you wish to perform the same check on both fields then the fields can be chained.

    FIELD :

    MODULE check_fieldA_and_B ON CHAIN-REQUEST.

if the field to be checked belongs to an internal table accessed via a table control then the checking and processing phase should be carried out as follows:

  LOOP AT tbl_mydata.

      MODULE check_tbl_mydata_my_field ON CHAIN-REQUEST.

    MODULE write_table_line.


Monday, 30 July 2007

ABAP: How to setup a Screen containing a Table

This little guide aims to serve as a general template regarding how to create a SAP screen in a dialog module or a report program that will allow the user to edit data stored in an internal table using a table control grid. This may not appear to be the most elegant of approaches to programming but that is the way ABAP works.

First of all lets keep in mind that: in order to pass data to and from screen fields, they must have the same name as a global variable. Having said that we must define a global array containing our data and a global table view control that will be used to program the data transfers.

Let us start with the data. Assuming that the table you wish to work with corrsponds to an ABAP dictionary structure named ZMY_STRUCT, then the table definition might look something like the following:

* Basic ITAB
DATA  BEGIN OF tbl_mydata OCCURS 0.
DATA:  sel TYPE c.
       INCLUDE STRUCTURE zmy_struct.
DATA:  END OF tbl_mydata.

One can reasonably ask why a table with a header line and again why an ABAP dictionary structure. The answer to both questions will be given shortly afterwards but for now let's just say that things work much easier this way, or otherwise they don't work at all :-). The table control definition should be something like


Make sure that the screen number corresponds to the actual screen number of your program. Next move to the screen and press the layout button to invoke the screen painter. Inside the screen drop a table control item and name it TC_MYDATA. Size it so that it fits your screen according to your needs. Double click on the table control to bring up the properties dialog box.

The sel field of the tbl_mydata table will mark the user selected lines. Getting a field symbol to point at the selected line is as easy as writing something like :

   <fs> LIKE LINE OF tbl_mydata.

 READ TABLE tbl_mydata ASSIGNING <fs> WITH KEY sel = 'X' .
   MESSAGE s888(sabapdocu) WITH text-e01. " No Selection
*   Do what ever you want with -...


Now press F6 to invoke the screen painter Dict.Program Fields window. In the field named Table field Name enter a search patter like like TBL_MYDATA-* and press the button labeled Get from program to display the matching table entries. Select the ones you wish to add to you screen and press the green ok button at the bottom. Then click inside the table view control to create the appropriate columns. Had the tbl_mydata table been declared any other way -- i.e. using a TYPES section or without the header line, then the process or field selection through F6 would not work.

Note: At this point just save the screen and exit screen painter without performing any kind of syntax check or activation.

Moving back to the screen properties, the basic flow logic should at least contain the following


 MODULE status_0200.

 LOOP AT tbl_mydata WITH CONTROL tc_mydata
                        CURSOR tc_mydata-current_line.

   MODULE read_tbl_line.


 MODULE exit_screen_0200 AT EXIT-COMMAND.

 LOOP AT tbl_mydata.

   MODULE write_tbl_line.

 MODULE user_command_0200.

The basic idea is that during PBO the contents of the entire table are copied from the table to the table control. Then during PAI the contemns of the table control will be copied from the control back to the table.

Before copying any data though, we must first set the size of the table control. The best place to do this is probably at the status module. Now, although my mother told me never to use global variables, the usual approach to setting the table size during PBO, starts by declaring a global field named somthing liketotal_entries or table_size being of type i. Having done that your status_XXX module should at least contain the following.

MODULE status_0200 OUTPUT.

 DESCRIBE TABLE tbl_istat LINES total_entries.
 tc_mydata-lines = total_entries.
ENDMODULE.                 " status_0200  OUTPUT

To create the read_tbl_line module, double click on the read_tbl_line inside the screen flow editor. A message will pop up asking if the a module named read_tbl_line should be created. Answer yes and depending on the type of program you are creating select the appropriate file. After you press ok, change the text in the editor so it looks like this.

MODULE read_tbl_line OUTPUT.
 MOVE-CORRESPONDING tbl_mydata TO tc_mydata.
ENDMODULE.                 " read_tbl_line  OUTPUT

Finally the write_tbl_line PAI module does the exact opposite. It moves the data from the table control back to the internal table.

MODULE write_tbl_line INPUT.
 MODIFY tbl_mydata INDEX tc_mydata-current_line.

 IF sy-subrc <> 0.
   APPEND tbl_mydata.

ENDMODULE.                 " write_tbl_line  INPUT

From now on any code executing during the user_command_XXX module will get a consistent copy of the data.

Screen programming in ABAP is a complex subject. This post provides only the basic template for minimal operations. More post will follow explaining how to respond to data changes, sort tables based on selected columns and dynamically changing your screen.

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

PL/SQL: User Privileges are not inherited from roles

FACT: When executing DDL from withing PL/SQL using NDS, then the user running the procedure must have the appropriate privilege assigned directly to create a whatever object the DDL is trying to create.

Privileges are not inherited from a role if a procedure is used.

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

PL/SQL: Collection Types

All programming languages need arrays. Oracle PL/SQL provides three types. The following post aims to serve as a quick reference and provide some minor examples for each type.

VARRAY's are the closest to the Pascal or C motion of an array. They are always defined to be of fixed length and start at index 1. VARRAY's can be used on both SQL or PL/SQL and whenever they are stored into the databse, they preserve the order of their elements.

Declaring a VARRAY can be performed as follows

      TYPE week_type IS VARRAY(7) of VARCHAR2(30);
      week_day week_type := week_type();
Nested Tables

Nested tables are much like VARRAY's in the sense that they are single dimensional arrays that can be used in both SQL and PL/SQL, but they do not posses the maximum length limitation. Unlike VARRAY's, nested tables are multisets which means that there is no inherent order to their elements

Both VARRAY's and nested tables must be initialized with the default collection-type constructor, meaning that all declarations of the form my_collection CollectionType must end like := collectionType().

Both VARRAY's and nested tables must be extended to accumulate space for their data. No matter wheither you define the maximum size of an array or not, array slots start with a null value. So you cannot just start assigning values to slots unless you create the appropriate space first. See the examples later on.

Nested tables like their "Associative Array" cousins that we shall discuss shortly are what Steven Feuersteinin refers to as sparse data structures. This means that elements can be removed from nested tables leaving an empty slot in the middle of the array. For a demonstration of the concept, Sse the example on nested tables later on.

Declaring a nested table can be performed as follows

      TYPE string30_table IS TABLE OF Varchar2(30);
      week_day week_type := tring30_table();
Associative Arrays
Associative Arrays are single dimensional arrays with a unique index only available in PL/SQL code. Their index can be of any type may that be Integer or Varchar2. Associative Arrays do not need to be initialized using any default constructor. You just declare them and user them.

Declaring an associative array can be performed as follows

      TYPE string30_array IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(30)
      week_day string30_array;

Steven Feuersteinin his excelant Oracle PL/SQL Programming 4th Edition book presents the following example regarding usage of associative arrays.

  TYPE list_of_names_t IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(50)
  happy_family list_of_names_t;
  l_row PLS_INTEGER;
  happy_family(202020202) := 'Eli';
  happy_family(-15070) := 'Steven';
  happy_family(-90900) := 'Chris';
  happy_family(88) := 'Neva';

  l_row := happy_family.FIRST;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( happy_family(l_row));
    l_row := happy_family.NEXT(l_row);  

When dealing with VARRAY's and nested tables then the type definition may be stored at schema level. Again a small example this time from Oracle PL/SQL for Dummies . Notice the different naming styles between the two.

  TYPE month_nt IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(50);
  v_month_nt month_nt := month_nt();
  v_month_nt(1) := 'January';
  v_month_nt(2) := 'February';
  v_month_nt(3) := 'March';

  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Count ' || v_month_nt.COUNT);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Last ' || v_month_nt.LAST);

  i := v_month_nt.FIRST;
    i := v_month_nt.NEXT(i);

    END IF;


The output of the previous script is ...

Count 2
Last 3

... meaning that we have an array with three slots and a gap between them. I wanted to take this example a little bit further so I changed the definition of the array type to VARRAY., making the program look like this. (Notice the standard FOR loop used for traversing a VARRAY.

  TYPE month_va IS VARRAY(20) OF VARCHAR2(50);
  v_month_va month_va := month_va();
  v_month_va(1) := 'January';
  v_month_va(2) := 'February';
  v_month_va(3) := 'March';

  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Count ' || v_month_va.COUNT);
  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Last ' || v_month_va.LAST);

  FOR i IN v_month_va.FIRST .. v_month_va.LAST

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

SuSE Linux: Running SQLDeveloper 1.2 on openSUSE 10.2

I have just downloaded and installed SQL developer version 1.2 from Oracle.OTN .

Immediately noticeable improvement are the new GUI, the support for two additional RDBMS's like MySQL and SQL Server and also the improved data export capability. In my opinion, the support offered by the previous version was not working correctly since it offered on DML statements for creating the tables you might have wanted to copy or move to an other database using SQL.

I had one small problem though. It seems to me that sql developer is checking the values of the JAVA_HOME and JDK_HOME variables in order to determine the JDK to use. openSUSE defaults these to the /usr/lib/jvm/java path which contains a 1.4.2 jdk, so the workaround was to modify sqldeveloper.sh file so it looks like this :

export JAVA_HOME=/home/thanassis/java/jdk1.5.0_12
export JDK_HOME=/home/thanassis/java/jdk1.5.0_12

cd "`dirname $0`"/sqldeveloper/bin && bash sqldeveloper $*

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Oracle Table containing the list of all countries

I wanted to create a table containing all country codes and countries.so I set off looking for the list of all two letter country codes. I have to admit that today was my lucky day since I ended up finding not only the list but also ready made SQL code to create and populate a MySQL table ready to cut and paste into your PHPMyAdmin SQL window. The link for the MySQL version can be found here

The truth of the matter was that I needed this for Oracle, so cutting, pasting and dining a bit of editing resulted to the following code :


Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (1,'ac','Ascension Island',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (2,'ad','Andorra',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (3,'ae','United Arab Emirates',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (4,'af','Afghanistan',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (5,'ag','Antigua and Barbuda',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (6,'ai','Anguilla',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (7,'al','Albania',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (8,'am','Armenia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (9,'an','Netherlands Antilles',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (10,'ao','Angola',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (11,'aq','Antartica',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (12,'ar','Argentina',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (13,'as','American Samoa',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (14,'au','Australia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (15,'aw','Aruba',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (16,'az','Azerbaijan',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (17,'ba','Bosnia and Herzegovina',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (18,'bb','Barbados',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (19,'bd','Bangladesh',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (20,'be','Belgium',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (21,'bf','Burkina Faso',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (22,'bg','Bulgaria',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (23,'bh','Bahrain',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (24,'bi','Burundi',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (25,'bj','Benin',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (26,'bm','Bermuda',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (27,'bn','Brunei Darussalam',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (28,'bo','Bolivia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (29,'br','Brazil',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (30,'bs','Bahamas',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (31,'bt','Bhutan',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (32,'bv','Bouvet Island',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (33,'bw','Botswana',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (34,'by','Belarus',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (35,'bz','Belize',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (36,'ca','Canada',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (37,'cc','Cocos (Keeling) Islands',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (38,'cd','Congo, Democratic People''s Republic',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (39,'cf','Central African Republic',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (40,'cg','Congo, Republic of',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (41,'ch','Switzerland',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (42,'ci','Cote d''Ivoire',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (43,'ck','Cook Islands',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (44,'cl','Chile',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (45,'cm','Cameroon',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (46,'cn','China',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (47,'co','Colombia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (48,'cr','Costa Rica',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (49,'cu','Cuba',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (50,'cv','Cap Verde',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (51,'cx','Christmas Island',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (52,'cy','Cyprus',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (53,'cz','Czeck Republic',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (54,'de','Germany',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (55,'dj','Djibouti',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (56,'dk','Denmark',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (57,'dm','Dominica',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (58,'do','Dominican Republic',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (59,'dz','Algeria',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (60,'ec','Ecuador',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (61,'ee','Estonia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (62,'eg','Egypt',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (63,'eh','Western Sahara',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (64,'er','Eritrea',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (65,'es','Spain',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (66,'et','Ethiopia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (67,'fi','Finland',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (68,'fj','Fiji',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (69,'fk','Falkland Islands (Malvina)',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (70,'fm','Micronesia, Federal State of',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (71,'fo','Faroe Islands',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (72,'fr','France',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (73,'ga','Gabon',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (74,'gd','Grenada',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (75,'ge','Georgia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (76,'gf','French Guiana',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (77,'gg','Guernsey',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (78,'gh','Ghana',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (79,'gi','Gibraltar',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (80,'gl','Greenland',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (81,'gm','Gambia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (82,'gn','Guinea',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (83,'gp','Guadeloupe',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (84,'gq','Equatorial Guinea',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (85,'gr','Greece',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (86,'gs','South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (87,'gt','Guatemala',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (88,'gu','Guam',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (89,'gw','Guinea-Bissau',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (90,'gy','Guyana',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (91,'hk','Hong Kong',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (92,'hm','Heard and McDonald Islands',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (93,'hn','Honduras',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (94,'hr','Croatia/Hrvatska',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (95,'ht','Haiti',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (96,'hu','Hungary',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (97,'id','Indonesia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (98,'ie','Ireland',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (99,'il','Israel',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (100,'im','Isle of Man',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (101,'in','India',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (102,'io','British Indian Ocean Territory',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (103,'iq','Iraq',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (104,'ir','Iran (Islamic Republic of)',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (105,'is','Iceland',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (106,'it','Italy',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (107,'je','Jersey',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (108,'jm','Jamaica',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (109,'jo','Jordan',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (110,'jp','Japan','Yen');
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (111,'ke','Kenya',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (112,'kg','Kyrgyzstan',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (113,'kh','Cambodia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (114,'ki','Kiribati',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (115,'km','Comoros',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (116,'kn','Saint Kitts and Nevis',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (117,'kp','Korea, Democratic People''s Republic',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (118,'kr','Korea, Republic of',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (119,'kw','Kuwait',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (120,'ky','Cayman Islands',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (121,'kz','Kazakhstan',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (122,'la','Lao, People''s Democratic Republic',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (123,'lb','Lebanon',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (124,'lc','Saint Lucia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (125,'li','Liechtenstein',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (126,'lk','Sri Lanka',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (127,'lr','Liberia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (128,'ls','Lesotho',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (129,'lt','Lithuania',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (130,'lu','Luxembourg',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (131,'lv','Latvia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (132,'ly','Libyan Arab Jamahiriya',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (133,'ma','Morocco',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (134,'mc','Monaco',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (135,'md','Moldova, Republic of',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (136,'mg','Madagascar',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (137,'mh','Marshall Islands',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (138,'mk','Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (139,'ml','Mali',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (140,'mm','Myanmar',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (141,'mn','Mongolia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (142,'mo','Macau',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (143,'mp','Northern Mariana Islands',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (144,'mq','Martinique',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (145,'mr','Mauritania',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (146,'ms','Montserrat',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (147,'mt','Malta',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (148,'mu','Mauritius',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (149,'mv','Maldives',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (150,'mw','Malawi',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (151,'mx','Mexico',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (152,'my','Malaysia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (153,'mz','Mozambique',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (154,'na','Namibia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (155,'nc','New Caledonia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (156,'ne','Niger',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (157,'nf','Norfolk Island',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (158,'ng','Nigeria',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (159,'ni','Nicaragua',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (160,'nl','Netherlands',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (161,'no','Norway',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (162,'np','Nepal',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (163,'nr','Nauru',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (164,'nu','Niue',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (165,'nz','New Zealand',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (166,'om','Oman',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (167,'pa','Panama',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (168,'pe','Peru',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (169,'pf','French Polynesia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (170,'pg','Papua New Guinea',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (171,'ph','Philippines',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (172,'pk','Pakistan',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (173,'pl','Poland',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (174,'pm','St. Pierre and Miquelon',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (175,'pn','Pitcairn Island',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (176,'pr','Puerto Rico',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (177,'pt','Portugal',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (178,'pw','Palau',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (179,'py','Paraguay',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (180,'qa','Qatar',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (181,'re','Reunion Island',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (182,'ro','Romania',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (183,'ru','Russian Federation',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (184,'rw','Rwanda',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (185,'sa','Saudi Arabia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (186,'sb','Solomon Islands',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (187,'sc','Seychelles',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (188,'sd','Sudan',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (189,'se','Sweden',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (190,'sg','Singapore',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (191,'sh','St. Helena',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (192,'si','Slovenia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (193,'sj','Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (194,'sk','Slovak Republic',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (195,'sl','Sierra Leone',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (196,'sm','San Marino',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (197,'sn','Senegal',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (198,'so','Somalia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (199,'sr','Suriname',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (200,'st','Sao Tome and Principe',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (201,'sv','El Salvador',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (202,'sy','Syrian Arab Republic',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (203,'sz','Swaziland',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (204,'tc','Turks and Ciacos Islands',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (205,'td','Chad',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (206,'tf','French Southern Territories',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (207,'tg','Togo',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (208,'th','Thailand',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (209,'tj','Tajikistan',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (210,'tk','Tokelau',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (211,'tm','Turkmenistan',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (212,'tn','Tunisia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (213,'to','Tonga',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (214,'tp','East Timor',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (215,'tr','Turkey',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (216,'tt','Trinidad and Tobago',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (217,'tv','Tuvalu',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (218,'tw','Taiwan',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (219,'tz','Tanzania',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (220,'ua','Ukraine',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (221,'ug','Uganda',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (222,'uk','United Kingdom',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (223,'gb','United Kingdom',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (224,'um','US Minor Outlying Islands',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (225,'us','United States',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (226,'uy','Uruguay',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (227,'uz','Uzbekistan',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (228,'va','Holy See (City Vatican State)',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (229,'vc','Saint Vincent and the Grenadines',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (230,'ve','Venezuela',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (231,'vg','Virgin Islands (British)',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (232,'vi','Virgin Islands (USA)',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (233,'vn','Vietnam',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (234,'vu','Vanuatu',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (235,'wf','Wallis and Futuna Islands',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (236,'ws','Western Samoa',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (237,'ye','Yemen',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (238,'yt','Mayotte',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (239,'yu','Yugoslavia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (240,'za','South Africa',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (241,'zm','Zambia',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (242,'zr','Zaire',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (243,'zw','Zimbabwe',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (250,'at','Austria',null);
Insert into COUNTRY (COUNTRY_ID,COUNTRY_CODE,COUNTRY,CURRENCY) values (251,'ps','Palestine',null);

Enjoy ..